Monday, October 8, 2012

10 Benefits of Sleeping Early


1. Healthy heart

Staying up late in the night is a way to torture your body with high blood pressure and cholesterol. These are the risks associated with the heart. If you do not want to worsen the situation get sufficient sleep.

2. Reduced stress

A peaceful sleep in the night relieves physical and mental stress that is caused during the process of regular activities. It relaxes the body and mind. With insufficient sleep you are risking your health with heart strokes and other diseases.

3. Enhances memory

Sleeping early lets your mind arrange the thoughts well. Waking up early with a fresh mind will repossess all of it.

4. Protects you from diseases

By sleeping late in the night you are only stressing yourself which will increase the blood pressure and cholesterol levels. This routine can affect you with cancer and other heart diseases for life. So sleep early and let your body maintain the pressure levels constant.

5. Gives time for breakfast

Breakfast is very important to kick start the day. And most of the times as we wake up late we miss it. To ensure food to our intestines waking up early in the morning and breaking the fast by 10 a.m is very important.

6. Positive performance

Sleeping continuously for at least 7 hours in the night is necessary. Inadequate sleep will curb your ability to think creatively, cope up with stress and concentrate. All these stress factors will have a negative impact on your performance.

7. Helps metabolism

Our body needs to send away all the unwanted waste from within. Sleeping through the day till noon will disorganise the exile. We need to eat and sleep on time to maintain energy.

8. Reduce the risk of cancer

Sleep in the dark. Light in the night reduces the melatonin level which is supposed to cause sleep and prevent the risk of cancer. So make your room dark and sleep early in the night allowing your body to produce melatonin.

9. Boosts energy

Sleeping early will let you complete your 7 hours of sleep and makes you fresh the next morning. It gives you the energy to perform better. An alert mind can also concentrate well.

10. Maintains weight

When you sleep too late your organism is disturbed. Sleeping for less than 7 hours a day is an invitation to obesity. The hormones that impact appetite are troubled by lack of sleep which leads to sudden weight loss.

Lose weight and Feel GREAT with Me!
Siti Zubaidah Johari
SMS/WhatsAPP +6019 221 2213


Thursday, October 4, 2012

Chocolate VS Chicken

Few days ago I've posted this on my FB page timeline, "What is the difference between 500 calories of chocolates n 500 calories of chicken?"

The main reason I pointed out this question is,  many people still does not understand that when we spend a lot of time focusing on the almighty calorie, we spend less time looking at where those calories are coming from..

So here's 5 benefits (good or bad you decide) that you will nourish your body when you eat either chocolates or chicken..


  1. Has natural compounds that benefit the heart and the brain.
  2. Chocolate will make your teeth rot.
  3. According to a new study out of the University of Western Australia, women who eat chocolate every day end up with lower bone density in the hips, neck, tibia, and heel, making them more prone to fracture.
  4. Chocolate seems to affect the body's ability to hold onto calcium. 
  5. Chocolate contains oxalate, a poisonous acid, which can reduce the calcium absorption; it also contains sugar, which has been linked to calcium excretion.

  1. Chicken is a source of protein. Protein is required by the body for the growth, maintenance and repair of all cells. 
  2. Chicken also has selenium, an element that helps promote thyroid hormone metabolism which eventually controls the metabolic pathways. This also has anti-oxidant to defend the immunity of the body.
  3. Chicken lean meat also has the capability to stimulate growth and development of the body and it’s primarily in charge with the most important body parts to unleash its energy functions. 
  4. Eating chicken activates cells and molecules from the Vitamin B6 components of the chicken meat. This forms the cellular aspect of the body which repairs our blood vessels. 
  5. Phosphorus, a unique component of element helps the body to have strong bones and muscles that may eventually ensure the better function of our inner organs.
So what do you think is the difference when you eat 500kcal of chocolate or 500kcal of chicken? What is their side effect to our body?

The Protein Sparing Slim Diet II
Weight Loss Program Comparisons
Slim Diet II
Calorie Counting
Plenty to eat
Minimum to eat
Lose weight rapidly
Lose weight slowly
Dangerous if rapid
Feel no hunger
Feel hungry
Have more energy
Lack energy
More alert
Body Protein is spared
Protein is lost
Maintain skin tone
Skin sags
Look younger
Look older
Increased calorie burning
Reduced calorie burning

Thursday, August 30, 2012

We are BACK for business!

Shed Those Fats is back ONLINE.

All orders will be process on Monday 3rd of September 2012. For those who have made their order, kindly make payment latest by Monday cut off time 10:00am.

More testimonials coming your way!

This lady have lost 40kilos by consuming 8 cans of Alpha Lipid SD2. With sheer determination, nothing can stop you from achieving your dreams! Need I say more?

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Grilled Tilapia with Lemon Butter Sauce


2-4 pcs of frozen tilapia (thawed)
1 tbsp olive oil
1/2 Butter
1/4 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
1 tbsp chopped onion/shallot
Fresh milk
Salt and pepper to taste


Cooking the fish:

1. Marinate the fish with salt and pepper and keep in the chiller for about 30 minutes to 1 hour.

2. Heat the grill pan and add in about 1 tbsp olive oil.
Tips: Use a non-stick pan. Make sure the pan is hot as you want to sear the fish as soon as it hits the pan. This seals in the juices and immediately firms the flesh; it's less likely to stick to the pan and it's easier to flip.

3. Let it sear for a few minutes on one side, then flip it over until it’s done.

4. Set aside on a serving plate.

The Sauce:

1. Add on half a teaspoon of butter in the pan. Turn on the heat to medium high and cook until the butter foam slowly evaporates.
Tips: Reduce the heat so you won't burned the butter.

2.  Combine onion/shallot with lemon juice and pour into the pan. Keep the heat to medium high to reduce the lemon juice about a third. Season with a bit of salt and pepper.

3. Turn off the heat and add the chunk of butter into the pan. Stirring the butter in the pan until it well combined. Pour in some fresh milk and whisk it. Return the sauce to the heat to incorporate all the butter, do it over very low heat, or the sauce will break.
Tips: Use cold butter to avoid the lemon juice separate out from the butter and turn of the heat when the butter goes in.

4. Pour the lemon butter sauce onto the tilapia fish. Serve with steamed asparagus.

Monday, April 2, 2012

10 Health Benefits of Tuna

  1. Protein
    High protein content to help keep those muscles strong. It is also good for the blood, skin, hair and nails.

  2. Stroke
    Tuna can help you avoid the risk of having a stroke. A recent study has shown that adults who include one to four servings of fish as a part of their regular diet had a 27 percent lower risk of having an ischemic stroke. Five or more servings of fish per week reduced the risk of stroke to 30 percent.

  3. Blood Pressure
    Tuna has omega-3 fatty acid, which helps prevent high blood pressure. Studies have shown that foods, like tuna, that contain omega-3 fatty acids helped test subjects maintain healthy blood pressure. Those who have yet to develop high blood pressure experience an even stronger beneficial effect from omega-3 fatty acids.

  4. Lower Triglycerides
    With just two servings of tuna a week, you can lower your triglyceride levels. Why is that a good thing? Triglyceride in the bloodstream indicates the amount of fat being carried. If you have a high level of triglyceride, you are probably also experiencing high levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL), or "bad cholesterol," and low levels of high-density lipoproteins (HDL), or "good protein." To make things simple, you basically want more HDL and less LDL, and eating tuna to lower your triglyceride level is one way to accomplish this.

  5. Good for the Heart
    A measure of heart rate function known as heart rate variability (HRV), can be increased by eating tuna. Again, the omega-3 fatty acids of tuna help improve cardiovascular health by increasing HRV. Omega-3 fatty acids also protect your heart from developing abnormal heart rhythms that can be fatal.

  6. Heart Disease
    A moderate and healthy consumption of tuna can lower the risk of coronary heart disease. The fact that tuna can help improve the ratio of HDL to LDL in the body allows it ward off an increased risk of heart disease, especially when substituted for foods high in saturated fat and cholesterol content.

  7.  Obesity
    Another benefit of the omega-3 fatty acid found in tuna is its ability to reduce the risk of obesity while improving the body's insulin response. Omega-3 fatty acid is able to stimulate a hormone called leptin, which helps the body's metabolism while regulating the body's weight and food intake. Tuna is also low on the glycemic index (GI) with a GI rating of 0, and is low in both calories and fat, making it a good food choice for those struggling with obesity.

  8.  Immune System
    Tuna is a good source of selenium, an antioxidant that helps improve the body's immune system. The immune system is a vital part of the body that is integral for fighting off sickness, diseases and infections.

  9.  B Vitamins
    The B vitamins present in tuna help to build and maintain red blood cells and increase energy. These water-soluble vitamins increase the rate of metabolism, strengthen the immune system and help keep the skin healthy.

  10. Cancer
    Tuna, and other fatty fish, have been shown in studies to reduce the risk of breast cancer in test subjects who ate it regularly. Other studies have shown that fatty fish, like tuna, have helped reduce the risk of kidney cancer. 
When looking for a source of lean protein, tuna is an excellent choice. The fact that it is low in both fat and calories makes it an excellent substitute for dairy products and meats that have a higher fat content.


Thursday, March 29, 2012

What Being Fat Does to YOU!

  • Crushed lungs 
  • Strained joints
  • Swollen heart 

The extraordinary scans that reveal what being fat does to you..

Spot the difference: The obese woman on the left has fat around her organs (shown by the yellow areas) and an enlarged heart which can have dire consequences on her health

Carrying extra pounds may not look attractive from the outside, but it's been difficult to understand precisely the havoc it wreaks on your insides - until now.

Here, in a pair of astonishing pictures, we can see exactly what being overweight does to the organs, bones and muscles. These images of two women were taken by a magnetic resonance imaging (MRIRI) scanner and reveal in horrifying detail the obesity effect.

The woman on the left weighs just over 114kg, the one on the right just under 55kg. Their muscles (shown in red), bones (white), organs (black) and fat (yellow) are all clearly defined.

As well as the fat sitting just under the skin (the fat you can pinch), these images reveal the fat inside the body wrapped around the organs.

To explain the impact of those extra pounds, we talked to Professor Jimmy Bell from Imperial College, London (the man who developed MRIRI to show body fat), and orthopaedic surgeon Mike Hayton and consultant radiologist Waqar Bhatti, both of Alexandra Hospital, Cheadle, Manchester.

Their comments make for alarming reading - for men as well as women. But the good news, says Professor Bell, is that you can change this picture through diet and exercise. These images provide a compelling incentive.


'Fat is deposited everywhere - even around your head and neck, especially at the back,' says orthopedic surgeon Mr Hayton.
'Excess fat here would cause pressure on the nerves and may contribute to headaches and neck pains.'
An American study of more than 143,000 people found that chronic daily headaches are more common among the obese.

'The yellow patches on either side of the neck of the woman on the left also quite clearly show that a thick layer of subcutaneous fat is building up,' says consultant radiologist Dr Bhatti. 'This will compress the airways and lead to snoring.'

Obesity is one of the most common risk factors for sleep apnea, a condition that occurs when tissues in the upper airways come too close to each other, temporarily blocking breathing.

It can lead to memory difficulties, low energy, shortness of breath, leg swelling and high blood pressure. Long term, it can contribute to stroke, hypertension and even sudden-death syndrome.


Although both women appear to have similar-sized lungs, the larger one's weight will be making breathing much more difficult for her.

That's because 'any fat in the abdomen will push up into the lungs when the person lies flat', says Dr Bhatti. 'This will cause breathlessness even when lying down.'

The more difficult breathing becomes, the harder it is to get enough oxygen circulating in the bloodstream. This can lead to lack of energy, impaired immune system and even high blood pressure, as the body tries to compensate.

This is because lungs are not solid structures and can be compressed.

'Fat doesn't bulge inwards, it bulges outwards,' explains Professor Bell. 'That's why we all end up with bellies.'


'Being obese means the hip joints have to carry a lot of extra weight, so they wear out sooner, causing arthritis where there is susceptibility,' says Mr Hayton.

Obese patients who need hip replacements will find the operation more physically stressful.

Moreover, surgeons may be less happy to operate. One American study found obese people have a significantly higher risk of post-operative complications, such as heart attack, wound infection and urinary tract infections.

The same study found that morbidly obese patients (those more than 100lb over their ideal weight) were nearly twice as likely to die as a result.

Poor posture and unhealthy gait are more common in obese people, further predisposing joints to osteoarthritis, says Arthritis Research UK.

The larger woman shown here is apple-shaped, meaning she's carrying fat around the organs. However even if you're the supposedly 'healthier' pear-shaped, excess weight still puts you at high risk of osteoarthritis and varicose veins, warns Mr Hayton.

Varicose veins occur because the fat makes it more difficult for blood to pump back up the body and, as a result, blood valves may be damaged.


'Excess fat is more worrying when it's found around the organs, where it's known as visceral fat. This can be toxic and poison you from within,' says Professor Bell.

Visceral fat is not an inert lump of lard, but actually pumps out chemicals and has been linked to heart disease, diabetes and some forms of cancer.

Professor Jimmy Bell also points out that in the larger woman's scan, her heart (which looks like a large red and black teardrop, suspended between the lungs) has clearly enlarged, the muscle increasing in response to the added strain her weight is placing on her body.

An enlarged heart will not be able to pump effectively, and at the very least will lead to shortness of breath and fatigue.

An enlarged heart is a common cause of heart failure, when it cannot supply sufficient blood flow to meet the body's needs. At least four per cent of deaths in the UK every year are due to heart failure, according to the British Heart Foundation.

The yellow rim of fat around the heart, called pericardial fat, is also linked to hardening of the arteries.

Pericardial fat secretes high levels of inflammatory proteins called cytokines. Constant exposure of the heart to these proteins can lead to inflammation of the coronary arteries and calcified plaque (the main cause of heart disease).

An American study published in 2008 found that people with the highest levels of pericardial fat were found to be five times more likely also to have high levels of calcified coronary plaque.


'Carrying at least twice the weight they are meant to means feet will get very sore,' warns Mr Hayton. The Harvard Medical School has found that being overweight places pressure on the plantar fascia - the ligament-like structure that runs from your heel to the ball of your foot, which 'may become inflamed, causing a sharp pain at the heel when walking'.


Obesity is the single biggest cause of osteoarthritis in weight-bearing joints such as knees and ankles, and an obese person is 14 times more likely to develop knee arthritis, says Arthritis UK.

This is because the additional pressure wears away cartilage - the natural layer of shock absorber in our joints - leaving bone to grind against bone. Dr Ian Drysdale, of the British College of Osteopathic Medicine, explains the scale: 'For every pound you are overweight, the momentum of running or jumping increases the pressure on the joint by up to ten times.'

Ankle joints will come under pressure, too. However, ankle replacement is a fairly rare procedure. 'Developing a thick layer of fat around the upper arm will put an increased load on the shoulder joint,' says surgeon Mike Hayton.

'As the fat builds up, it will become more difficult to lift your arm above your head - or even put your jacket on. You'll feel less flexible.'

Then as you stop using the joint fully, the soft tissues will start to contract, dragging the ball and socket closer, causing bones to rub and leading to arthritis and pain.


The scan of the larger woman reveals not just the rolls of fat on her body, but large amounts of fat wrapped around her organs (the black patches) in her abdomen.

The thinner woman on the right not only has little ' surface' body fat, but her organs have minimal visceral fat.

'The abdomen is the worst place for fat to accumulate,' says Professor Bell. 'Many people assume middle-aged spread is normal, but it's not. You should accept that as you age you will be less active and need fewer calories,' adds Mr Hayton.

This visceral fat constantly secretes chemicals and hormones in large quantities such as leptin and restitin, which are associated with changes in the metabolism and linked to the onset of Type 2 diabetes.

These hormones can also disrupt the entire endocrine system and lead to other hormone imbalances, such as polycystic ovary syndrome, a condition which affects women, causing excess hair, weight gain and infertility.

Meanwhile, when fat reaches the digestive system it breaks down in the liver. As it does this, toxins are released into the bloodstream.

These can seriously damage organs such as the liver, causing fatty liver disease. This can lead to inflammation, the formation of scar tissue and eventually cirrhosis. It is also a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.

There is a mind-body connection too. Research suggests that visceral fat affects mood by increasing production of the stress hormone cortisol and reducing levels of feelgood endorphins. Visceral fat is also known to cause inflammation in the arteries and around the colon.

In men, being overweight increases the risk of colon cancer by an estimated 25 per cent; being obese increases it by 50 per cent (the link is nowhere near as clear in women), according to Cancer Research UK.

Extra weight will also put pressure on the pelvic floor and may cause incontinence and haemorrhoids.