Saturday, January 26, 2013

Alkaline or DIE...

Our internal body chemistry functions in an alkaline environment. Our blood must maintain a pH of 7.4. If it drops below that to 7.2 we DIE...

The cells of the body in health are alkaline. In disease the cell pH is below 7.0. The more acid the cells become, the sicker we are and feel. The cells won't die until their pH gets to about 3.5. Our bodies produce acid as a by-product of normal metabolism. This is the result of our bodies burning or using alkaline to remain alive.

Since our bodies do not manufacture alkaline, we must supply the alkaline from an outside source to keep us from becoming acid and dying. Food is the means of replenishing the alkalne to the body. The main determining factor of alkaline is the organic minerals. One can equate organic minerals with alkaline for better understanding.

Foods are of two types, acid or alkaline. This refers to the ash value of a food. (Meaning the type of residue that remains after the food is digested and processed). Is it acid, or is it alkaline? If there is an acid residue (inorganic acids), the body must neutralize this acid to keep the blood from getting acid. The acid is neutralized with alkaline. Ideally there is adequate alkaline in the diet to do this. However, if there is not, the body must extract alkaline from its cells to neutralize the acid. This, of course, causes the cells to become acid, and thus diseased.

Because our bodies are an alkaline entity, in order to maintain health, the majority of our diet must consist of alkaline ash foods. We can remain in health by consuming a diet that is 70-80% alkaline and 20-30% acid. The more alkaline the better. If we become too alkaline by eating a majority of alkaline foods, we will lose our appetite and automatically want to fast, during which time the normal acid metabolic by-products will return the body' s pH back to normal.

According to research, 90% of modern diet are acidic. In order for us to maintain our alkalinity without getting our body to harm itself by neutralizing acids waste, consuming an alkaline supplement is VITAL.

Alkalete™ is the most recognized and top performing, patented, pH supplement on the market today. Alkalete helps you shed fat & acidic waste, energize your body, and fight the ravages of aging. Scientifically proven to increase your body pH, Alkalete will take your body and health to places you never dreamed possible.

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Article by Dr. Gary Farr - Acid Alkaline Balance